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Flat for rent in Patna Kankarbagh: Amenities that tenants can’t resist

Flat for rent in Patna Kankarbagh

Many apartments offer flat for rent in Patna Kankarbagh which provides amenities that the tenants can’t resist and get compelled to take them on rent. In this article you will get an idea on the amenities that tenants cannot resist.

If you have taken a apartment for rent in a great location having a high walks score then it’s a safe bet that you have taken the flat in a good location. Every tenant taking a flat for rent in Patna Kankarbagh wants to avail all kinds of amenities in the apartment itself and all kinds of facilities in a walk able distance.

If the walk score of a flat for rent in Patna is between 50 and 100 that means, some or most of the amenities are in a walking distance and if the walk score of the property is in between 0 to 50 that means the flat is a vehicle dependent property.

Flexible Pet Policies in a Flat for rent in Patna

Many 2 bhk flat for rent in Patna and 3 bhk flat for rent in Patna allow people having pets making it a desirable place for many tenants.  65% of the tenants own a pet according to National Pet Owner Survey.

  • The most popular pets that the tenants keep are overwhelmingly dogs and cats. The flat owners can own more money by charging higher rent or adding pet fees.
  • The flat owners will have a larger pool of potential tenants to choose from if they allow tenants to keep pets and it will make them happier and will give them immense pleasure if they are able to keep their pets.

Most of the tenants keeping pets tend to renew their lease agreement for their rented flats leaving the flats with no vacancies.

Flat for rent in Patna Kankarbagh

Flat for rent in Patna has ample Outdoor Spaces

Many of the tenants like amenities such as pool with a cabana and a fitness/yoga studio.

  • But most of the renters like to have an outdoor space in their flats like balcony or a prominent outdoor space in their apartment premises.

The tenants love to have an off street parking, mostly in a garage and that’s the feature most of the apartments offer in that area.

Security and Safety in a Flat for rent in Patna

The owners of the flats must reassure the tenants that their flat is having utmost safety and security. It is the responsibility of the owner to keep changing the locks of the flat time to time.

  • The apartment or the society in which the flat is located must be equipped with 24*7 high security motion detection cameras tracking each and every movement happening in the society.
  • To safeguards the tenants in all the ways possible, the flat owner must ensure that the apartment or the society is equipped with security guards in all the three shifts from morning to night.

To know more about the amenities that are most liked by the tenants, visit It is a classified website which gives best deals on real estate in Patna and across the country.