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Best online part time jobs in Bangalore


Bangalore is the silicon valley of India. Bangalore is popular for the IT Industries. There are many startups available in this city. There are many job vacancy are there in Bangalore, jobs are like online job or part time jobs. The jobs are in different sectors like IT, Health care and Institutions etc.

This Silicon valley is the best city for job. This is the best place to start your career in IT sector jobs. If you are looking for a job in Bangalore then, this is the best chance to get the job in Bangalore. If you have the knowledge in the programming, typing skill or the communication skill then there are many online job like online data entry job, freelancer web design job, part time telecaller job or online sales job etc.

Part time data entry jobs in Bangalore

The data entry job is a process of entering the data. The entered data should be stored in the excel sheet or word file. Sometime it needs to convert the hand writing notes to the typing notes. Now a day these work are done through the part time data entry job. Just take the work from the organization then finish and submit.

The data entry operator work is to enter the data in the required format of the client or organization. Freelance data entry jobs are the best choice to get the work in online. There are many work from home data entry jobs in Bangalore available.

Benefit of Data entry jobs

  • No target
  • No time limit
  • work in your free time
  • Work as a part time job
  • daily, monthly, weekly payments

Home based telecalling jobs in Bangalore

The telecaller job is the bpo jobs where the telephonic calls have been received for customer query about the product or services. The queries should be asked by the client or the user regarding the issues. The main responsibility of this job is to. To provide customer support is the main responsibility of this job.


The telecaller employees are responding the client calls and solve the queries about the problem. There are many vacancy are available call center jobs in bangalore. You can also do this job as home based telecalling job.

Benefits of BPO and telecaller jobs

  • You can work as the part time home based
  • No technical skills required for this job
  • You can do this job as shift wise

Online web designer jobs work at home in Bangalore

The web designer jobs are the designer job required to design the web site or web pages. The web designer jobs are most demanding because all the business or organization developing their web site. You can also work as freelance web designer job. The main aim of the web developer is to develop responsive web page.

There are many vacancies available in the web designer jobs in Bangalore location. These vacancies are in the top IT companies as home based or work from home job.

Online marketing jobs in Bangalore

The Marketing is basically advising the product in the market. It is also used to generate revenues for a company. The sales and marketing job responsibility promote the product for company or organization. The digital marketing jobs are in the sales and marketing field is the best job you can work in online. There are many jobs in available the online marketing jobs in Bangalore location. is the free classified site to post your ads like job, real estate, vehicles. If you are looking for a job in Bangalore then visit our site for job. Here all kind of fresher and experience home based online jobs are available.